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Service consulting

1:1 Consulting

Unlock the potential of your app or website idea with our personalized 1:1

Technology Consulting service. Fill out a brief questionnaire, engage in a 15-minute call, and receive expert recommendations for the best technology solutions tailored to your project-all within 48 hours.

Technology consulting for App and Website Development

With countless technologies available, choosing the best one can seem overwhelming. Think of us as your personal tech advisor, finding your best match in minutes! Selecting the right technology and implementing it properly is crucial for your project's success. We'll talk you through your concerns and questions and have you feeling tech confident!


Complete a simple questionnaire to help us understand your project's needs and goals before the consultation.

Video call

Engage in a focused 15-minute video call with our expert to discuss your project in detail and get personalized advice.

48h Tailored solution

Receive a customized technology solution tailored to your project within 48 hours, ensuring the best fit for your needs.

Support (premium)

Enjoy a 14-day follow-up period to ask any additional questions and get ongoing support from our experienced tech team.


Identify your project's status with our detailed questionnaire, covering all key aspects.

Project Needs Analysis

In-depth assessment of your project's needs for precise technology recommendations.

Written recommendation

Receive our personalized technology recommendations within 48 hours.

Project Plan*

Get a personalized project plan for successful and efficient implementation.

Integration Advice*

Seamlessly integrate chosen technologies smoothly and effectively.

Follow-up and Support*

Enjoy 14 days of follow-up to ask any additional questions.

*: Premium


Essential Tech Guidance - Get Expert Advice Fast
  • Questionnaire
  • Project Needs Analysis
  • 15-Minute Call
  • Written Recommendation Delivered Within 48 hours
  • Technology Selection
  • Implementation Tips


In-Depth Solutions Tailored for You
  • All Basic Package Features
  • 14 Days Follow-up and Support
  • Comparison of Different Tech Options
  • Detailed Project Plan
  • Integration advice
  • Scalability Solutions


Personalized Service
Price on demand
  • All Premium Package Features
  • Tailored Services for More Complex Projects
  • Extended Consultation Time
  • Additional support

Don't wait

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{{ service_details.bookingpress_service_name }}

Duration: {{ service_details.bookingpress_service_duration_val }} {{ service_details.bookingpress_service_duration_label }}

Price: {{ service_details.bookingpress_service_price }}

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{{ service_extra_details.bookingpress_extra_formatted_price }}
{{ service_extra_details.bookingpress_extra_service_duration }} {{ service_extra_details.bookingpress_extra_service_duration_unit }}
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{{ service_extra_details.bookingpress_extra_formatted_price }}
{{ service_extra_details.bookingpress_extra_service_duration }} {{ service_extra_details.bookingpress_extra_service_duration_unit }}
{{ service_extra_details.bookingpress_service_description }}
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Date & Time
Time Slot
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Date & Time
Time Slot
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Basic Details

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Your appointment booking summary

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{{ appointment_step_form_data.form_fields.customer_firstname }} {{ appointment_step_form_data.form_fields.customer_lastname }}
{{ appointment_step_form_data.form_fields.customer_email }}
{{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_service_name}}
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{{extras_details.bookingpress_extra_name }}
{{extras_details.bookingpress_extra_price}} {{extras_details.bookingpress_extra_duration}}
{{appointment_step_form_data.bookingpress_selected_extra_service_count}} Extras
Date & Time
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{{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_date | bookingpress_format_date }} - {{appointment_step_form_data.selected_end_date | bookingpress_format_date}}
Appointment Details
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{{extras_details.bookingpress_extra_name }}
{{extras_details.bookingpress_extra_price}} {{extras_details.bookingpress_extra_duration}}
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{{ staffmember_details.bookingpress_staffmember_phone }}

No categories and services added!

Need a more specific help


1:1 Technology Consulting offers personalized guidance to help you choose the right technology for your app or website development. Our experts provide tailored recommendations based on your project’s unique needs.

The process starts with a comprehensive questionnaire to understand your project. Then, we have a 15-minute call to discuss details. Within 48 hours, you receive a personalized technology recommendation, followed by 14 days of support for Premium subscribers.

Our services are ideal for entrepreneurs, startups, and businesses looking to develop an app or website. Whether you’re at the initial planning stage or need help with an existing project, we can assist you.

We offer consulting for a wide range of projects, including websites, mobile apps, and web applications. Our expertise covers various industries and technology stacks.

We offer different packages to suit various needs. For specific pricing, please refer to our Basic, Premium, and Custom packages or contact us for a personalized quote.

Before the consultation, you’ll need to complete a detailed questionnaire covering your project’s goals, current status, technology preferences, and any existing documents or wireframes.

You will receive your personalized technology recommendations within 48 hours after the initial consultation call.

For Premium subscribers, we provide 14 days of follow-up support where you can ask additional questions and get further guidance from our tech experts.

Yes, you can upgrade to a higher package if you require more comprehensive support or additional consultation time. Please contact us to discuss your needs.

To get started, simply choose the package that suits your needs and schedule your call. You will receive the questionnaire to complete at the latest 2 days prior to your consultation call. We’ll take it from there!

Have a Digital Project?

Whether you have an idea, are in the midst of digital transformation, or need guidance, we help bring your imagination to life. Let's connect and discuss what we can build together.

Have a digital project

Take your business to the next level

We support you and strive to contribute to the growth of your teams and organization. If you aspire to elevate your business by establishing a impactful online presence, optimizing your processes, and boosting your conversions and revenue, we are here to accompany you!

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