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Formative consulting with productivity tools

Your business deserves solutions that go beyond traditional consulting.

With our Formative Consulting via Video Sessions, we assist you in implementing ultra-efficient productivity tools like Notion, Asana, Airtable, and more. Each training session is personalized to fit your specific needs, directly within your company’s context.

Imagine training sessions that immediately adapt to your daily challenges and help you master best practices in no time. Get ready to transform the way you work, starting today.

Get Expert Guidance and Hands-On Training Tailored to You

Imagine being able to solve your specific challenges with the help of an expert while acquiring the skills needed to handle these situations independently in the future. Thatā€™s exactly what we offer. We guide you through real and relevant cases for your business, allowing you to apply this knowledge immediately to your actual projects. This means that every piece of advice and training is directly applicable, enabling you to see tangible results from the very first minute.


Training sessions tailored to your specific needs and professional context for optimal results.


Interactive video sessions with experts for dynamic and effective learning.


Concrete cases and practical exercises for immediate implementation of your new skills.

Ongoing Support

Support after each session to ensure the effective implementation of the skills acquired.


Enhance your marketing campaigns and strategies with modern tools and techniques to maximize your reach and impact.

Project Management

Optimize the planning and execution of your projects to achieve your goals more efficiently and with better coordination.

Human Resources

Revolutionize talent management, recruitment, and retention with innovative HR practices and effective tools.

Product Management

Refine your product development and management with agile methodologies and advanced collaboration tools.


Refine your design processes to create exceptional user experiences and visually appealing, cohesive designs.


Make your operations more efficient with modern management techniques, enhancing productivity and reducing costs.


Our Formative Consulting in Business combines traditional consulting sessions with practical training tailored specifically to your company’s context. We utilize productivity tools like Notion, Asana, and Airtable to optimize your processes and enhance your skills.

Any business looking to improve its performance and internal skills can benefit from our Formative Consulting. Our services are tailored to various departments such as marketing, project management, human resources, design, product management, and operations.

The video sessions are interactive and personalized. After an initial assessment, we develop a tailored training program. Each session includes practical exercises and real-life case studies for immediate implementation.

Our formative approach not only allows you to receive expert advice but also teaches you how to apply that advice independently. This way, you develop sustainable skills and a better understanding of productivity tools.

Our training covers various recognized tools such as (but not limited to) Notion for information organization, Asana for project management, and Airtable for data management and team collaboration.

The duration of the sessions varies based on the specific needs of each business. Generally, a typical session lasts between 1 and 2 hours, but this can be adjusted according to your schedule and objectives.

Yes, we provide ongoing follow-up after each session to ensure that the acquired skills are effectively implemented. This support may include additional consultations and feedback sessions.

We begin with an initial assessment to understand your specific needs and professional environment. Then, we develop a customized training program using concrete cases and relevant examples for your business.

“Our rates vary based on the duration and complexity of the required training. Feel free to request your personalized quote as soon as possible.”

You can expect a significant improvement in productivity, efficiency, and collaboration within your company. Our training will enable you to master essential tools and apply concrete solutions to your daily challenges.

Have a Digital Project?

Whether you have an idea, are in the midst of digital transformation, or need guidance, we help bring your imagination to life. Let's connect and discuss what we can build together.

Have a digital project

Take your business to the next level

We support you and strive to contribute to the growth of your teams and organization. If you aspire to elevate your business by establishing a impactful online presence, optimizing your processes, and boosting your conversions and revenue, we are here to accompany you!

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